Thursday, October 13, 2011

Obama: Killing Economy by Stimulus

Everyone knows the first stimulus was a flop. Obama promised infrastructure projects to create jobs, but none of the so-called projects were shovel ready and never happen? Shovel ready! What does that mean? Maybe it was ‘double speak’ for: the administration wasn’t ready to shovel out any money for the U.S. infrastructure! Obama says he is ready to shovel now! Lie to me once your fault- lie to me twice, my fault!
We can’t go blindly into another stimulus trap, after the first one was so foolish and in reality just a Liberal “Greenie Give-me Scam.’ In the first stimulus, the American tax payer lost close to 2 billion to date (and counting!) These large greenie companies gorged themselves on stimulus money and went belly up, loosing every cent! Who does Obama plan to squander this stimulus on? How much more money will the Federal Reserve print to cover it? The American people lost 20 cents out of every hard earned dollar we had two years ago, thanks to the Feds printing money, backed by nothing but a lot of hot air from the Obama administration.
America is broke and we can’t take another hit, without bring on a double recession.  And I believe that is exactly what our emperor wants. Marxists have always known that: a country must have a complete financial breakdown before it can be overthrown, through means of ‘Martial Law’ – and after a broke and hungry populous revolt. Time will soon force us into a much better understanding.
I am not trying to sway you over to my way of seeing America’s unfolding demise - But I do  want you to understand that: due to the extent of America’s troubles, the crisis is way beyond POLITICS and IS NOW a full blown disease that we may never recover from. It is not as simple as Republican or Democrat, THEY BOTH HAVE THEIR OWN SHARE OF THE BLAME – question is: Can the citizens of the United States get the blood sucking parasites off the back of the U.S. economy before we become refugees in our own country?
In the1992 presidential campaign, Bill Clinton said: It’s the economy stupid. Why is that so hard for people to understand? America was once the strongest nation the world because of our economy. It looks like we may soon suffer famine in America by letting a bunch of radicals kill off our economy? Famine is the most terrible educator of all and such a bitter pill.

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