Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shed Some Light on the Darkness

Halloween has been called ‘All Saints Day’ and unless ghosts, goblins and Freddy Krueger have become saints, maybe the explanation of a ‘Saints Day’ isn’t that correct today.

To break the word Halloween down to its roots would go something like this: Hallo-to make Holy or Sacred – and ween- to suppose something, to think or believe. -  I don’t believe that Halloween is Holy for sure and is more of a celebration of the dark side of life.

With that said and in light of our children’s wishes to collect candy, it is still easy to ‘Trick or Treat’ without emulating a Witch, Devil or Demon. All it takes is a little imagination in buying or designing a costume that will promote something good as opposed to something evil. It might even catch on and become a trend!

One year, when my youngest daughter was still going around her grandma’s neighborhood trick or treating with my wife, they came up to the front porch of a distant relative with several people standing around and talking. One woman made a snide remark about my daughter’s angel costume and my wife ‘Renee’ said that we decided to spread some light and not promote evil this year. That statement started a conversation around that porch that may have helped many of them look at Halloween in a new light, - so good can come out of a celebration of all things dark. Happy Halloween!

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