Sunday, December 11, 2011

Euro Economic Whirlpool Sucks in Obama and US

Obama is being suckered into joining the IMF (International Monetary Fund), to use US taxpayer money to bail out Italy and Spain, (to start). The rest of Europe will be next. The estimated initial cost to the American tax payer will exceed $176 Billion. Obama is refusing to give any details of Treasury Secretary Geithner’s recent behind closed doors deal with the IMF and European leaders, but this errant administration doesn’t mind spinning (lies) by telling American’s that: in essences Europe is too big to fail! Sound familiar?
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) is planning legislation to veto any US taxpayer role in funding a Euro bail out. Senate Republican Steering Committee Chairman Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), already have similar legislation.
“I’m adamantly against the IMF being involved in this,” Coburn said: “We’re throwing good money after bad down a hole that I think is not a solvable problem,” (taken from an on article).
It would be good to help our neighbors across the pond (again), BUT when they turned from Christianity and embraced Socialism the die was cast, the gavel fell! There is no 'getting by' without God's blessings on any country, state or citizen. Anyone who thumbs their nose at God is a fool! - And we have way too many of them, over here, right now; pointing us down this same path of destruction - if they become successful, all of America will soon reap the terrible whirlwind of economic catastrophe natural disasters and famine! This isn't going away the evidence is plain and simple. The answer is above all religion, ideology and politics. Almighty God is our one and only hope and our one and only solution! HE WILL NOT BE MOCKED - PERIOD! As we celebrate His birthday this Holy season, we should thank Him for our country, family and our life here and ask Him to help us understand our duty in the preservation our Christian nation, a nation ordained by Godly authority and dedicated to Him by a humble and Christian people 391 years ago.

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