Most of us know of the many methods governmental ideologist, have and will use to control people across the globe. Methods like: Communism, Radical Islam, One World Order or Globalism. What if I told you that the combination of all of the above is being implemented and starting to show up all across America! This secrete movement is well under way globally and seeks to regulate every action of every human on the planet! In essences it is the complete control of humans and how we use our; air, food, fuel, land, water, minerals, utilities or any other resource, product or service, you can think of. In the UN it’s called: ‘Agenda 21.’ -Think it can’t happen here? It already is! And has been creeping into America for twenty years, steadily picking up steam since the Clinton administration!
The Blaze defines UN Agenda 21: “Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people. Sustainable Development is in really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.”
This Liberal Progressive/ greenie/ One World movement is (called Sustainablists.) And attempts to implement United Nations Agenda 21 here in the USA has been mostly hush - hush. By using regulations Sustainablists bypass the legislative process. And Mr. O using U.S. governmental departments of FDA, EPA, DOC, and DOJ, is busily implementing the Sustainablists terrible wishes, here on U.S. soil. Crossing party lines and partially funded by George Soros and U.S. tax payers, Sustainable Development is the chosen method to enslave the masses. THAT’S YOU!
Past U.S. administrations (especially the Clinton Adm.) have all allowed new regulations to be placed on the backs of the American citizens, but NOTHING like the present regime of regulators. The driving forces behind the ‘O’ administration are such ‘New World Dreamers’ as the: Radical Liberal Progressives, Marxist, Union leaders of the Teamsters & NEA, One World elitists and the Green Movement.
Regulated areas to watch for are: Animal Rights, Property Ownership (above, surface and below ground,) Ago cultural, Environmental, Economic, Commerce, Border and Interior Security, Food and Gun Safety, US Patents, Utilities, Investments, Citizen Rights, Law and Justice.
American Policy Center issued this warning: Social Equity: (Social injustice) “Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.” Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it. National sovereignty is a social injustice. Universal health care is a social injustice. All part of Agenda 21 policy.”
Economic Prosperity: “Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government sanctioned monopolies.”
Local Sustainable Development policies: “Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.”
Food/Ag: (Natural News) article-Thru. 29 2011: After being petitioned for clarification about his decision in a recent legal case involving individuals freedom to consume raw milk and own "shares" of dairy cows, Judge Patrick J. Fiedler vehemently declared that individuals "do not have a fundamental right to consume the foods of their choice," and essentially reiterated his state's position that raw milk is simply off limits.
Only recently, we have witnessed over a half billion U.S. tax dollars going down the drain hole at the Solendra greenie money pit. How many real jobs could have been created elsewhere? And there are a dozen more such greenie energy Companies sucking millions of tax dollars from the big ‘O’ and his horde of mindless country wreckers.
What about the EPA/FDA regulating dust! The FDA was poised to fine farmers who released dust as a byproduct of plowing their fields or harvesting wheat, corn or soybeans. That regulation caused such a fuss that the FDA was forced to recall it last week. Actually it was unenforceable. There is also a possibility of another dust bowl in the Mid-West and FDA regulations cannot be levied on God.
(NaturalNews) “Backyard gardeners from Main to California have been threatened or shut down by local greenie minded officials and even Legislation has been proposed to control America’s backyard gardens under the guise of Food Safety: (NaturalNews) Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called "the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America." It would grant the U.S. government new authority over the public's right to grow trade and transport any foods. This would give Big brother the power to regulate the tomato plants in your backyard. It would grant them the power to arrest and imprison people selling cucumbers at farmer's markets. It would criminalize the transporting of organic produce if you don't comply with the authoritarian rules of the federal government.”
Gibson Guitar Co. was raided in early Sept. 2011 for importing rosewood! The overall raid cost Gibson and estimated 15 million dollars. And to add insult to injury, Gibson’s CEO, "Mr. Juszkiewicz, said an agent of the US government suggest to him (Gibson's CEO) that your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of American labor?"
The EPA is now calling for over two hundred thousand more regulators to be hired.
The EPA is now calling for over two hundred thousand more regulators to be hired.
I could cite the dirty dealings of our corrupted government for the rest of the day, BUT it comes down to one question: Can hard working Americans manage our own country, families, lives and land for ourselves or do we need a bunch of weak minded, intellectually corrupt, Godless extroverts to do it for us? I say: let’s tell the ‘New Age’ thumb sucking toast eaters to look for their victims elsewhere!
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