Friday, December 9, 2011

By Court Fiat Offensive God Haters Establish Religion

I am extremely offended by the devious nut jobs in this country, who claim to be offended by Christ, Christianity, Christians and Christmas. What are you, a bunch four years olds, without a brain or a life? Or are you a group of Satan serving slithering snakes?
I am sick to death of people coddling a sick minority of deviates, who seek to destroy anything Christian. They work in concert to expunge Christianity from the hearts and minds of all American citizens. They trample on our children’s birth right. They spit in the face of our ancestors. They seek to eradicate our God given constitutional rights to freely exercise every meaning of the word: Christian!
Just like snakes these Satanic activist are cleaver and dangerous. Their mantra is their mentor and Ku-Klux-Klan member judge Hugo Black’s ‘Separation of Church and State.’  In 1947 Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black authored (crafted out of thin air) the biggest lie in U.S. history, and this terribly errant Court changed the Constitution, erecting a totally false (wall) or separation between the government and Church (Christianity.) To date the most harmful act ever committed against American Christians!
In 1962 Satanic Judge Hugo Black authored the ruling  that prayer is un-Constitutional in public schools and this nation has slid down hill ever since.
On June 17, 1963 the United States Supreme Court declared school-sponsored Bible reading in public schools to be unconstitutional, sadly ending Bible reading in U.S. schools altogether and  the results have been proved to be severely detrimental to student’s mental health and social deportment.
The Heritage foundation says: “By extending its prohibitions to state and local jurisdictions, Black turned the First Amendment, as ratified in 1791, on its head. A barrier originally designed, as a matter of federalism, to separate the national and state governments, and thereby to preserve state jurisdiction in matters pertaining to religion, was transformed into an instrument of the federal judiciary to invalidate policies and programs of state and local authorities. As the normative constitutional rule applicable to all relationships between religion and the civil state, the wall that Black built has become the defining structure of a putatively secular polity.”
This Godless bunch of Secular Satanic thugs deserve no credibility or rights of offence, they (ARE) the offence and should be made to understand that!
In essences the Secular movement and use of the Separation of Church and State ruling is nothing more than the conspired establishment of a Religion, the Religion of secularism! And that (IS) totally un-Constitutional and shouldn’t be tolerated!!!

The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church–State Law, Policy, and Discourse:
Supreme Court Rulings on School Prayer & Bible Reading:

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