Without divine intervention I don’t believe this country can remain intact, the thirteen months utill we can install our next president! If we can’t get the big: ‘Oh! Bummer’ the heck out of office soon, we may not have a country left by election time next year.
In his, ‘mean Chicago political tactics,’ Obama insinuates, bashes detractors and lies over and over and over and over. He may be a world beater ‘community organizer’ but he is most brilliant as a divider.
I give Mr. O Blamer high marks for trying – trouble is: he’s trying to kill off the U.S. economy! His reverse economics are pushing us into recession, forcing our corporations offshore, crippling financial institutions that can’t leave and making the U.S. dollar more worth less every day; we may wake up living in a third world country with a full blown famine, before we knew what hit us.
The ‘Big 0’ may be doing this dirty work to appease his radical Marxist ex-hippy mentors, thugs and thieves, or maybe he is trying to make our mortal enemies feel sorry for us. Anyhow by the time we find out, there will be a lot more people to give it to, but there won’t be anything left to give them! That should make his ‘Occupy Wall Street Protesters’ really mad. If you can pray for this nation, now may be a very good time.
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